Studies show that coyotes are particularly aggressive during this time. While not strictly nocturnal, you’ll rarely see coyotes by day. • Don’t allow small pets to roam freely. Protect cats from coyotes by keeping them indoors at night. Keep Coyotes Away (Coyote Deterrent & Repellent This likely isn’t a surprise to those who live in rural areas. Pet Transportation and Moving Services Nationwide | Pet ... from coyotes Keeping Pets Safe from Coyotes | Veterinary Medical Center Prevention is Best. Living in a house with garden in the suburbs is the dream of many people, but besides the obvious advantages there are some disadvantages that the owners have to take into consideration. -- B.D., San Diego, CA A: When there are coyote sightings where you live, keep cats indoors and … 9. Charlie, a 15-year-old maltipoo, suffered roughly a dozen bites after being attacked by two coyotes. Learn about wildlife in the City including coyotes, foxes, deer and raccoons. If you live in an area with coyotes or other wild animals, consider installing wildlife perimeter fencing (6 feet or higher). They actively catch, collar, and monitor coyotes in Illinois. Keep pet food inside. Get rid of those animals and you just may get rid of the coyotes also. Pets can attract predators such as cougars or coyotes looking for easy meals. The need to keep pets safe from predator attacks gets its fair share of coverage by the media, but typically only when a coyote snatches a celebrity’s dog … Keeping track of sightings helps monitor where the coyotes are traveling, and can help other dog owners stay safe! Pets should not roam freely. ... As coyotes and foxes move in, they'll catch whatever doesn't run fast enough -- whether feral rabbits or your favorite Persian or American Curl cat. By. Keep your dogs as close to you as possible, but do not bend over. This morning I heard and saw the cardinals. Here are some … Protect cats from coyotes by keeping them indoors at night. ... Keep pets on short leashes (under six feet You can help keep wild animals and foxes out, by … But cats may not be on the menu … Accompany pets outdoors for bathroom breaks – particularly small animals. Now they can be found in every county. These wild prairie dogs make short work of domesticated cats. Purchase a harness for your dog/cat…regular collars can easily slip off. If you do see a coyote, Toronto Animals Services recommends keeping your pet supervised and on a leash. The ever-present threat of coyotes needs to be managed by owners. Yes, this is extremely important; especially if you have an indoor domesticared cat, or even a dog, that don't have the experience of deaing with predators. Hikers, runners or mules can spook pets and cause an accident. The 12 Dog Breeds That Can Kill Coyotes . Coyotes can be creatures of habit, so if you see one at the same time and place while walking your pet, change your route or timing. Do you have any tips to keeping pets safe? Cats, rabbits, and other small pets are also at risk from coyotes Making your yard less attractive will make encounters with coyotes less likely: Secure your trash. Washington State rule, WAC 246-100-197, says: An owner of a dog, cat, or ferret shall have it vaccinated against rabies and revaccinated following veterinary and vaccine manufacturer instructions. We have an obligation to not only learn to live with these beautiful animals, but to help them thrive while keeping pets safe. I have enjoyed living here my whole life and being a Boy Scout in the community. Fortify your yard. Use a leash to keep your dog close and in full sight, particularly if you live outside town limits and normally walk your dog off leash. tweet; A Coyote is watching in the woods. COAL VALLEY -- Police Chief Jack Chick is warning residents to keep their pets safe from coyotes as the wild animals seek extra food sources in preparation for winter. Share on Facebook. We had 3 very big coyotes caught on our security cameras this morning at 6:10AM. When I read an article talking about it the other day, I thought that I would share some of the highlights in case you are worried about your pets as well. In Massachusetts, coyotes breed during the month of February and can become more … Letter: Keep pets safe from coyotes 0. Mating season for coyotes means that males of the species are more agitated than normal. Since we were just talking about pets, let’s focus on them first. If you know that coyotes patrol your area, do not take any chances. So, always walk your dog on leash (6-foot or shorter), even if you’re just walking in your neighborhood or are in your backyard. It has seemed to keep coyotes away from there and kept my babies safe. View photos of recently found pets to see if your lost cat or dog is in our shelter. Coyotes started expanding their presence in Florida in the early-mid 1900s’. By leashing your dogs, you are reducing the risks … Neal Broverman-December 24, 2015. The Cook County Department of Animal and Rabies Control (ARC) is reminding residents to keep their pets safe from coyote encounters by offering the following tips: Coyote hunting and trapping seasons are available statewide. Tip 3: Keep Coyotes Away from Cats with Cat Posts In open areas, cat posts can be effective. Unfortunately retractable leashes don’t offer enough control if your animal runs into a coyote. SRC: Keeping Pets Safe From Coyotes Gresham Animal Hospital has been providing loving care to our patients and their owners in the Portland and Gresham area since 1944. Being that there are a lot of small children and outdoor pets in the area, Ledet knocked on some doors, including Noel Domingo’s, and … Work to keep your cats safe from these canine predators. There are three core ways to achieve coyote protection for cats. I love my goldens and labs, but they are not the best dogs for keeping my house and family protected. However, each year we see more reports on the local news about a dog being attacked by a coyote. Wherever you keep your peafowl, make sure it is dry and warm, as muddy or wet conditions can cause disease or tail feather breakage. And while the outrage is understandable – pets are after all family members – nearly all the coyote attacks could have been avoided. Do not leave dogs, cats, and children unattended. Read more . Sprays can evaporate or wash away with heavy rains. With the decline of their biggest competitor, the wolf, along with the loss of habitat, the coyote population is spreading throughout the United States. Fisher cats have been known to stalk and kill house pets. Be especially cautious at dusk, night and dawn. Don’t keep pet food outside. It is very rare for a coyote to attack a human or a dog on a leash being held by a human. Coyote Rollers spin when touched, so animals cannot get the paw-hold they need pull over fence. bother humans, coyotes are a threat to domestic dogs, especially smaller breeds like Chihuahuas and toy varieties. I live in a suburb on an acre lot. A German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Akita or similar large breed known for its use as a guard dog will be effective at scaring off any coyotes. Communication Behavior. As we increase human populations and develop formerly green space, wild areas, we are coming face to face with more wildlife, like coyotes, explains Camilla Fox, founder and executive director of Project Coyote, an organization that strives to foster coexistence between people and wildlife. (Some experts say quickly pick up small dogs, but see #3 below.) Only let them outside when you are with them. Urban coyotes have a fierce and formidable reputation as midnight predators that stalk and kill our beloved pets, especially small dogs and outdoor cats. Coyotes will attack household pets, but the numbers are difficult to pin down because it's hard to prove a coyote attack occurred based on injuries alone. "Coyotes do wander into more urban areas. Small dogs are at risk for becoming a coyote’s meal, especially if they’re tied up and unable to run away. Keep collars on your pets: Coyotes frequently attack by seizing an animal’s throat.There is some theorizing that the use of wide, heavy collars and spiked collars can increase the chance of your pets surviving an attack. To report dead coyotes and foxes, contact the Humane Society at 519-745-5615. Get a cat post. Do not use retractable leashes and keep dogs close to you when walking. Keep pets in enclosed areas. Notify the team at Urban Coyote Research if you see a coyote in the Wheaton area or if you’d like updated information about the threats of coyotes nearby. (We like yelling “GET OUTTA HERE!!!!) They are active during the day and at night, particularly dusk and dawn, and help to control rodent and rabbit populations. Coyotes: 4-5-1, averaging 2.5 goals, 4.2 assists, 4.1 penalties and 9.9 penalty minutes while giving up three goals per game with a .912 … If you are unable to fence your yard to keep javelina’s out, make sure that you secure your pets in at night. • Never leave pet food and water outside. 90% of the coyotes’ diet consists of animal matter. In this article, we will discuss the coyotes in Florida and their habits, the dangers associated with coyotes, and how to keep your pets safe. A cat post is a long piece of wood (typically a 4×4 or corner post) that reaches 10-12 feet above ground. They might do this by biting or scratching. If you encounter a coyote, be sure to report the incident to your local authorities. Always supervise your pet if you let them outside and don’t let them wander too far away when outdoors. Of course as a responsible pet owner, I am from time to time worried about the possibility of a coyote invading our backyard especially after some of the stories on the news lately about coyotes being more bold. You can protect your pets from coyotes. You likely have a dog who needs a good deal of exercise. He also might be a candidate for a prescription diet from Royal Canin, appropriately called CALM (with L-tryptophan, vitamin B3 and other supplements to support a more relaxed attitude). Your veterinarian can tell you more. Contact us: 303-748-8647 Nationwide shipping. Russ Boles - May 10, 2016. Pets and Javelinas. Keep the dogs close. If you're going by NextDoor, it sounds like an army of coyotes is cruising Seattle streets for pet cats. Classroom Pets. These are additional reasons to protect your dog and home against coyotes. STEP 1: Eliminate what is attracting coyotes to your yard. . How to Keep your Pets Safe From Coyotes • Never feed coyotes. Even if they are outside cats, if you see a fox or wild animal, you should bring your pets inside, where it is safe. Reports of attacks by coyotes and other predators are on the rise. Coyotes will communicate by body language, for example if a coyote is becoming aggressive it may arch it’s back. Spike Collars are special collars that help protect your guard dogs from Coyote and Wold Pack Attacks.It also gives the Dogs more Confidence and a Feeling of Protection. Another way to make sure that your pets are safe from coyotes is by installing a solid and good-quality fence. "Hamilton is a city … If coyotes have been spotted in or close to your area, here are 5 tips on how to keep your pets safe. But I had to let him continue his life journey and he knew he was loved and safe here. Most animals have sensitive hearing, and the loud noises of parties and fireworks can cause them remarkable stress and discomfort. How and When Alpacas Are Safe from Coyotes. Keep an eye on your dog when outside. It is fitted around their neck as a regular collar but has spiked needle-like projections.So if Dog is attacked by a pack of coyotes or wolves, they cannot bite his windpipe … Here are some tips to keep you and your pets safe from coyotes: Always supervise your dog and keep it on a leash — even in a fenced backyard. Details on season dates and bag limits can be found in the Fur Harvester Digest.. Pets can damage the ground and plants by digging or rolling. 5. Generally speaking, fully-grown alpacas can hold their own against a single coyote. Coyotes have a remarkable sense of hearing so they can year the sounds of a noise sensor or radio for miles. One of the most effective ways to protect dogs from coyotes is by always keeping your dogs on leash when you walk the dogs. Post. Coyote! As members of the dog family, that they are master sniffers (no surprise here). Always keep your cat indoors. The […] Fenced yards are likely to keep pets safer, but aren’t guaranteed to keep out predators. A surprising amount of coyote incidents occur in the suburbs, and if you have cats or small dogs, coyotes can pose a serious risk to their health. Keeping Pets Safe. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways that you can keep your pets and your family safe from coyotes. Motion-sensing sprinklers will scare away coyotes and other animals. Coyotes are natural predators, meaning small animals are at risk when it comes to a wild coyote 3.That means you need to do everything in your power to … Occasionally, fisher cats go after and kill house cats, so if you’re having a fisher cat problem, keep the house cat inside, as well as any small dogs. While not strictly nocturnal, you’ll rarely see coyotes by day. Pets can harass or harm wild animals by making noise, chasing them or catching them. Coyotes primarily feed on small rodents such as rabbits, but will definitely go after a small dog if given the chance. Scent pellets made with predator urine can create the illusion that a predator is present in … To keep coyotes at bay, remove any potential food sources. Clean your grill after using, or store it inside your garage when not in use. These usually have openings that are too small for a coyote to enter through. Appropriate fencing must be used to enclose their outdoor area, as pigs are very strong and can uproot it, push it over and even dig underneath it if not properly secured. To avoid bites and scratches: Never bother a pet when it's eating or pull its food or water away. KEEPING DOGS SAFE: Coyotes hunt at all times of day, but are most active at dawn, dusk and at nighttime. Tweet on Twitter. Install an outdoor cat shelter. Ensure your pets are leashed at all times when walking, particularly in or near open spaces. The best way to keep coyotes from harming your animals is to set up better protections for them. Concrete Footer: If you have a serious digger, consider pouring concrete along the perimeter of the fence line and sinking the bottom of the fence into the concrete before it dries. Bushes, low hanging branches, and other shelters make ideal hiding places for rabbits. Keeping threats out should be as important as keeping a dog safe while inside an enclosure. Still, many panic and call police or animal control when they even see a coyote or seek retribution after a coyote kills a pet dog or cat. Rabbits don’t like wide open places as much as places that allow hiding or burrowing. How to Keep Dogs Safe from Coyotes. Keep pets on short leashes (under six feet). Don’t let your animals wander. Colorado Parks and Wildlife has put together tips if you encounter bears, coyotes, mountain lions and other animals. I have also lived in a rural area before and know what an annoyance – I’m sorry, I … A coyote can easily scale an 8 foot fence if it has toeholds, so a smooth fence of 6 to 7 feet tall topped by a “coyote roller”, either a DIY PVC pipe roller, or a commercially available one can keep coyotes from going over a fence. How to keep your dog safe from a coyote is not the first thing a new dog owner thinks about. Wildlife expert weighs in. How to Keep Coyotes Out of Your Yard & Neighborhood. Outside, coyotes are liable to steal your pet’s food--and they might not stop there! After recent attacks on Hamilton dogs, the city has released a series of tips for keeping your pets safe from coyotes. If problems exist outside regular hunting or trapping seasons, coyotes can be killed without a license on private land by the landowner or a designee if the coyote is doing or about to do damage to private property, pets, livestock, or … Walk dogs on a short leash. Indoor cats are safe as coyotes cannot fit through a cat flap. It's still a … 10 Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe from Coyotes. You can also keep your pet cats safe from them by keeping them inside and removing or coyote-proofing attractants from your yard. By Current Publishing on April 1, 2018 Letters to the Editor. In some cases, they’ve even attacked small pets. This is the most effective way to keep them safe from any wild animal. Coyotes can also carry contagious diseases such as rabies, tick-borne diseases (including Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis), canine distemper, etc. Securely cover your trash and recycling cans. Never leave food outside during the day or night. M L Vernon December 12, 2021 at 7:45 pm on Learning to live with coyotes: Tips for keeping pets and people safe Excellent informative article. That means you need to do everything in your power to keep your dogs and cats safe from rogue coyotes! The wildlife commission has also outlined steps to help keep your pets safe from coyotes. Fisher cats are vicious predators, so don't assume that small pets will be any match for them. How to keep coyotes away: coyote deterrent and repellent options for keeping coyotes off of your property and away from your livestock animals and pets. Build a goat pen with a roof – Think of building something like a chicken coop for goats to keep your animals safe. Editor, Carmel, Indiana, is a great place to live, which has been recognized by many national publications recently. This time of year, a coyote’s preferred prey, rodents and rabbits, become scarce and the animals start looking at small household pets as dinner. Never bother a pet when it's sleeping. Staying Safe From Coyotes: Your Backyard Stay Alert Keep an eye on your dog at all times when Fido is outside, especially at night or during the early morning hours. Clean up pet food and fallen fruit. FWC outlined tips on how to avoid coyote interaction and keep your pets and wildlife safe: Never feed coyotes and do not place food outside that will attract coyotes or … Keep pets on short leashes, and do not leave small children unattended outside. Underground fence systems do not keep wild animals from wandering onto your property. Coyotes naturally prey on smaller animals, so they can and do prey on cats and small dogs. Alpacas use their long legs, hooves, teeth, vocalization, and spitting skills to keep coyotes and other small predators away from their herd – actual or adopted. Coyotes in captivity can be fed a base diet of a high quality dry dog food along with fruits, vegetables and … A brazen attack reminds us to be diligent. When coyotes’ feeding leads them to the yards, livestock, or pets, they become a real problem for many homeowners. Overall, you should follow general wild animal best practices, remain alert when you are outside, keep food and food waste in a secured area and keep pets is a safe location. Keep your pet bunny rabbit safe from predators and other dangers. They will also need to have access to clean cool drinking water at all times. Keeping your dog on leash is also safer, since most coyotes are wary of people and won’t attack your dog if he’s close to you. Police say latest targeted shooting in Surrey, B.C., sends one man to hospital. Keep your pets in sight. We have coyotes around here and with his limping, I was scared. How to keep your pets safe from coyotes Toggle header content. Pets and livestock can be at risk from coyote predation. With that said, I definitely recommend lights and sounds as coyote deterrents. Notify the team at Urban Coyote Research if you see a coyote in the Wheaton area or if you’d like updated information about the threats of coyotes nearby. Get additional tips from Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The ideal fence should be at least six feet tall, and it should also be buried deeply well into the ground. Here’s how. No matter how large or small your dog is, if there is any risk of encountering wild animals, you have to be careful and know how to keep your dog safe from wild animals. Copeland said that to help alleviate the problem of coyotes coming to homes and posing a threat to pets is to never leave food scraps outside at … Here is a list of safety precautions to help keep your pet safe from coyotes: 1. I love my goldens and labs, but they are not the best dogs for keeping my house and family protected. Use simple devices to scare off coyotes. Never leave your pet outside unattended. Feeding your pets indoors can prevent many issues and will simplify any future cleaning required to keep your yard safe. By. Keep Your Pets Close If you live in an area with a large coyote population, avoid leaving your pets out of the house overnight or alone outside for an extended period of time. Playing Safely With Pets. These animals may be present in public places across Waterloo, including parks. If it’s time for your pet to eat, bring them in. Dr. Georgesen’s Safety Tips: • Coyotes normally hunt small mammals, such as rabbits, but will attack and kill cats and small dogs. Rabbits have a lot of predators so they naturally like to keep safe. Clean up and secure all these sources of food and the coyotes will be … I have learned that while Labradors can fight a coyote (learn more about that here), they are definitely not the best dogs for keeping your house protected.. Don’t walk your pets at night or during twilight hours. The state’s Wildlife Resources Commission weighs … Do not allow your pet off the leash to chase the coyote away. 10. But, try to keep things as straightforward as … All coyote repellents only provide temporary results. Rabies Vaccination Rule for Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets. ... dozen times. Spike / Wolf Collars for Dogs. IDNR offers tips for keeping pets safe from coyotes | Illinois Only wicked pet 5 months ago (The Center Square) – Coyotes normally feed on small prey like mice and rabbits but will attack pets if they find them alone, said Mike Wefer, chief of the Division of Wildlife Resources at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Coyotes are now raising their pups and can be more territorial as they guard their mates, dens, pups and food sources. Fred took off last week, and I haven’t seen him since. If you eliminate the safety attraction, it will help to keep the rabbits from hiding on your property. A leash is commonly referred to as the lifeline of your dogs. 8. To keep bears away while you're camping, try to eat canned or dried food since fresh food is more fragrant and likely to attract a hungry bear. Do not leave pets unattended outside. But the truth is, much of the urban land sitting under concrete today used to be the wild coyote’s native wild stomping grounds. What can I use to keep the bobcats and coyotes out of my backyard? Spread the word! How To Keep Your Pets Safe. They will lose their fear of humans. Here are some tips on keeping pets safe from coyotes. I have a five pound Yorkie and a knee high shelter dog. • Never leave your pets outside unattended, especially small pets and cats. How do you keep pets safe from coyotes, foxes? A fenced enclosure with a roof and a wire apron to stop digging will do the trick. Natural food sources for coyotes include dirty barbeques, bird feeders, fruit trees, pet food, trash cans, and small prey. Follow these tips to avoid conflicts. Pets can't tell you if they're upset or scared, so they show you. Prevention is Best. By Paul Silverfarb 1Featured Articles, 1News, Video [jwplatform AYpFDByk] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Secure garbage cans. The species is closely related to dogs but coyotes feature muzzles that are longer and narrower. Yes, even if your yard is fenced! Coyote sightings in Flagstaff seem more numerous this year than usual. To prevent interactions between coyotes and pets: Keep cats indoors, and walk small dogs on a short leash, especially at night, dusk, or dawn. The page will link you to those breeds often chosen as pets, and also to the main Rabbit Breeds pages. Here are some tips on how to keep your pets safe this holiday weekend. Keep Coyotes Away. Try using scent granules or pellets to repel coyotes from your property. It also says making loud noises will help scare it off. Experts share the best ways to keep coyotes away from your pets And experts have details on the best practices when it comes to protecting your pets while still … If you do let your dogs or cats outside, avoid doing so from dusk until dawn. Keep pets safe from coyote predators. Find all the information you need. Here are some tips to keep you and your pets safe from coyotes: Always supervise your dog and keep it on a leash — even in a fenced backyard. Here are some tips on keeping your pet safe from coyotes: Be particularly cautious during coyote mating season, which is January through March. Coyotes thrive in urban areas because of the … Predators, such as coyotes and mountain lions, can kill pets, even during daylight hours. Was aware that a neighbor saw a coyote at dusk with a squirrel in process of dismemberment. Always leash your dogs when you walk them to prevent them from running after other animals, including coyotes. 1. They’ll at least give pursued cats somewhere to rest out of a coyote’s reach. Sometimes the dog escapes and … Don't tease a dog or cat or pull its tail or ears. Coyotes primarily feed on small rodents such as rabbits, but will definitely go after a small dog if given the chance. Dr. Tara Harrison, a wildlife expert from the N.C. State College of Veterinary Medicine, said it's important to keep a close eye on pets when they're outside. Take care of your pets. Re: Keeping your pet safe from coyotes. This guide to protecting pets from coyotes is filled with non-lethal tips from installing new fencing to hazing. Cats cannot outrun a coyote. Adding in some wires or tubes on the top of your fence is also recommended. Tips to Keep Your Dog and Family Safe from Coyotes. These wild prairie dogs make short work of domesticated cats. Eastern coyotes have been in the area for over 50 years according to Greenwich Animal Control. Always keep cats indoors. If pets are in a fenced in yard be sure the fence is appropriate for keeping coyotes out. The best, Coyote deterrent, pet containment system that looks great on any fence! Fencing. Outdoor cats and small dogs are a potential prey item for coyotes and detrimental to the environment. Obviously, the safest action is to never let your cats outside and only let small dogs outside under supervision. Coyote Rollers: If you have a jumper or climber, you can try these rollers, designed to make it impossible for coyotes to get a grip on … Keep the dogs close. . Coyotes can be found in any open space, parks, … Only let your pets outside in enclosed spaces, like a fenced-off yard. The safety of our best friend is a priority. It’ll take some work, but this is super effective. Here are some tips from experts: — Watch small … It’s always advisable to keep coyotes off your property. Dogs may give chase without warning: We've never seen two coyotes at once, but it's safe to say that a second isn't far behind and there's no telling how close the pack is; so keep I keep our dogs close – they're either in their fenced yard or they're on leash when we walk. 1390. Was aware that a neighbor saw a coyote at dusk with a squirrel in process of dismemberment. • Secure garbage cans, and clean up pet food, fallen fruit and spilled bird seed. Predators such as coyotes are able to jump low fences and can climb higher ones. Here are some coyote safety tips to keep your family safe in the outdoors:. It is illegal and can cause them to associate people with food and lose their fear of humans. They actively catch, collar, and monitor coyotes in Illinois. Raise your arms, wave them around, and shout as loud as you can to scare off the coyote. Keep them on a leash and keep them close to you - especially with those extendable leashes. Protect them to ensure they are safe. Although these may seem like common sense things we should all know, we often forget especially when warm weather approaches and the tendency to swing our doors open to let our dogs out into the yard is done without thought. To keep your pet safe from the threat of coyotes, we encourage you to follow these tips: Tree houses are the best way to protect them from predators, and peafowl love to roost up high. A good way to repel coyotes is by using timer or motion-activated sound and light devices that will scare animals from getting too close to your pet or house. How to Protect Goats From Coyotes. A coyote will not want to spend time in an environment where there is nowhere for them to hide. Coyote mating and whelping season is coming to a close, but coyotes could still be more visible and aggressive while they wean new pups. The best way to protect your dog is to go outside with it when you let it out. 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Indoors at night rely on pets or garbage for their diets.: // '' > pet Transportation and Services! Day or night top of your yard < keep pets safe from coyotes > How to keep away. To live with these beautiful animals, so they can and do prey on cats small., healthy and happy if they 're upset or scared, so they show you idea. Incident to your local authorities your small dog outside unattended, especially small and. To steal your pet ’ s back: Eliminate what is attracting coyotes your! //Ruckusdog.Wordpress.Com/2014/06/25/Ruckus-Dog-Wants-You-To-Keep-Your-Pets-Safe-From-Coyotes/ '' > safe < /a > coyote Javelinas out of my backyard or higher ), lions. An easy target for a coyote language, for example if a coyote watching. Safety attraction, it will help scare it off, keep your safe... Roof and a wire apron to stop digging will do the trick or tubes on the top of your is! Coyotes naturally prey on smaller animals, but see # 3 below. plan to a... Feed on small rodents such as coyotes can not keep pets safe from coyotes through a cat post is a priority avoid!